Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 12

Hey Everyone!!!!

How are you all! I love and miss you all tons! But don't worry about me, the work is going great over here and I love being here as a full time missionary! This week has been quite the eventful one. On Tuesday Sister Calaunan had this massive allergic reaction to something she ate and got super tired and her whole face and mouth swelled up and I had to take her to Balanga City (which is like an hour away) to the hospital. Don't worry she's ok, but it's been hard on our work this week because we have had to travel to Balanga a couple times to have her take more tests and get blood work done so we've had not as much time to teach and find investigators. But we made it a great week anyways! Jimboy received the Holy Ghost this Sunday which was AWESOME because his entire family came to church (his mom and his TEN siblings- ya you thought 4 kids was a lot mom haha) with us. We are teaching his whole family right now and they are really progressing. This week we had an especially good experience with his oldest sister Brenda. She has a kid of her (Putput is 2 and so cute! Love that kid to pieces haha) and usually shows very little interest in our lesson. But this week Sister Calaunan and I both felt prompted to start teaching her separately and really pray for her to desire to learn more. There has been such a difference in her this week! We had a huge breakthrough and she was so excited during our lessons. When I testified of the Book of Mormon and the Prophet Joseph Smith she told me that she was going to pray about it later that night. The next day we taught her again and both felt inspired to ask her if she wants to be baptized. The girl who 2 weeks ago left the room when her mom, sister and brother said they wanted to be baptized looked at me and said "Opo that is what I want". The spirit was so strong it was awesome!

So besides that we have also moved to a new apartment! Its smaller, but a lot nicer, more clean, and new so i'm happy about that! Hopefully I don't have to pack up again though tomorrow because its transfer day! I don't this I will be transferred, but with all the new missionaries coming in there is a large chance Sister Calaunan will be transferred and have to train again. I will be super sad if that happens because sister Calaunan and I have become so close and really good friends. We always joke that we have been living the same lives before our mission but i was in america and she was here haha. But I whatever happens I know is for the best and I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for me. 

So how about some random fun/cool stuff that's also happened this week to top this email off?

1. Mom you are an angel I got your other package and I LOVE the new clothes! And it got to me in like almost under 2 weeks!

2. Rainy season is hear to stay. I don't know why i even bother with the umbrella sometimes haha the rain is ridiculous here! But it's super cool looking plus people are more willing to let me in and talk to them when I look all wet and pathetic haha.

3. Philippines spaghetti and banana katsup is the  bomb. I'm taking the entire philippines supply with me when I go home.

4. I got to go to a WW2 museum today and hike Mt Samat earlier this morning with my zone for PDay! It was so beautiful!! I'll try to send some pics!

5. Totally heard Imagine dragons playing on the bus the other day. It was awesome!! They've made it to the Philippines!!! :D

Well I gotta go but I love you all!!!!! MAHAL KO KAYO TALAGA!

Love always, 
Sister Lowe
My sweet girl is living in the middle of the jungle

Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 11

Hey guys!!

So it sounds like you all are doing amazing! EFY sounds like such a blast! Being in Kirtland was so fun when Marissa and I went a couple summers ago so I'm sure it was amazing for you too. So I got your package and letter last week! Thank you so much you are the best! It only takes like 2- 3 weeks to get here so feel free to keep them coming! Family and friends included :) Also I just wanted to give a happy birthday shout-out to my amazing father who's birthday is today!!!  Dad I can't tell you in words how much I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me. You are one of the most selfless and giving people I now and everything you do is for us. You have raised me in the gospel and I know I am the person I am today because of you. Your shining example of Christlike love, patience, as well as inspirational advice has got me through a lot in my life- especially here on my mission. I hope you have an amazing birthday filled with the people you love. Know your daughter loves you and is sending her love and prayers for you all the way from Hermosa Philippines :)  
So this week was really good for me. We had follow up training this week so I got to travel back to the mission home and be reunited with all my friends from the MTC! It was SO fun to see them and talk to them about our experiences here in the Philippines. And mom Elder Cooper Smith was in my district at the MTC and is one of my really good friends! Tell his mom that he is doing so good and that he is definitely the best out of all the new missionaries in Tagalog. I'm slightly nervous because my trainer sister Calaunan told me after the training that she recommended me as a trainer for after my 12 week program. yikes haha. But hey, If the Lord calls me to be a trainer I know he will help me and I will just do my best... in broken Tagalog haha. 

Yesterday we had the beautiful opportunity to watch our investigator (now member!!) be baptized. Jimboy was a referral to us missionaries by a lady in our ward. We have been teaching him for the past 4-5 weeks and it was incredible to watch him take this monumental step in his life. After his baptism he got up and bore the sweetest testimony. You have to know Jimboy- he is ALWAYS laughing a joking and hardly ever serious, but as he stood there thanking sister Lina, Sister Calaunan and I for changing his life, tears streamed down his face and the spirit filled the room. We are now currently teaching his family who will follow his example and be baptized next month :) I feel so blessed to be apart of this church and to share the beautiful message of happiness we bring. 

So I thought I would really quick share a spiritual thought I had this week in my personal study. This week I was reading in the Book of Alma in the Book of Mormon and chapter 32 verse 12 really stuck out to me. Alma is talking to the poor people who have been afflicted with many burdens and trials in their lives. He tells them they should be grateful for their challenges and trials in their lives because through our trials we become humble. As we become humble we become teachable and more receptive to God's word and will for us. As we follow God's word and will we become closer to him and feel more fully his love and guidance in our lives.  I know that has been true for me here. I can't speak the language very well so the Lord has really humbled me. But because I cannot speak Tagalog well, I must rely and put my full faith and trust in him. As I have done that, I have felt so much comfort and peace in my life and know he is with me and watching over me. Sometimes God gives us trials and breaks us down only to build us up again, but stronger and closer to him. I hope that helps one of you like it did for me :) 

I love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful week! You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Mahal kita!

 sister Lowe

Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 10

Kumusta po kayo ng pamilya ko at mga kaibigan ko!

 So I'm just going to start of by saying how awesome this week has been! We had Zone Conference earlier in the week with a general authority and it was so motivational and inspiring! My faith was definitely strengthened and I felt the love my Father in heaven has for me so strongly.
So many of you have asked about my daily schedule so here it is:
6:30 wake up and exercise! around 7:15 we eat breakfast (rice of course) then we have personal scripture study from 8-9am. After that is companionship study where Sister Calaunan and I talk about what we learned. After that I have language study for an hour where I do my best to cram Tagalog into my brain. After that is lunch and then the fun begins! We are out teaching lessons or tracting across rice fields until 9pm and then come home to the apartment. We then plan for the next day right away and update our lessons in the area book. It's great fun haha. Then, by that time its like 10ish and I shower, pull out my mattress to sleep on the floor and collapse, say my prayers and sleep. Then the fun begins all over again bright and early the next day! It's a blast :) This week was full of adventure as always. We treked across some rice fields to get to a less active member's home and because rainy season is here everything was flooded so no joke- I had to take my shoes off and walk through mud almost up to my knees! It was awesome. Dirty, but awesome haha. I'll try to send pictures (sorry i've sent so few pictures by the way, it takes like 500 years to upload so my time usually is up before I can send it) I learned how to gut a fish this morning- that was exciting/ absolutely disgusting haha. 
So even though all that is great and fun, the best part of my week was definitely yesterday. All week a lot of our investigators have cancelled on us or just "forgot" about our lesson appointment. We would just walk and walk from house to house in the hot Philippines sun trying our best to share the gospel and help the people here, but wala. So that was kinda hard. But we just kept praying and having faith that Heavenly Father would help us and bless us for our diligence and hard work and boy did he ever! Yesterday, one of our investigators (his name is Jimboy and he's getting baptized this Saturday!) came to church and brought his whole family who before had shown little interest. Also our recent convert Gardo, who was baptized last Saturday, brought his brother, Florence to church! They both said they loved what they learned and the way they felt when they were there and agreed to have us over later that night to teach them more about what we believe. As we taught Jimboy's family (his dad passed away a couple years ago so it's him, his mom Emilda, Jessa, Raquel and Putput who are his sisters, and Samuel and John-Mark his brothers) the spirit was so strong and I just felt so much love for them and could feel God's love for them as well. We invited them to be baptized and to enjoy the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives and they said yes! They were all smiles and so happy! Even though my Tagalog is at most sub-par and can only understand like 15% of what they say, I love this cute little family so much and can't wait for them to be baptized and enjoy the happiness and many blessing the gospel has given me in my life.

So after that we went to Florence's house and got to know him and taught him more about what we believe. As I was teaching, I felt prompted to ask Gardo (his brother who was baptized last week) about his experience and how he feels now as a member of the church. He told us how before we taught him he felt like his mind was a dark room with many questions about life and his purpose, but now it's as if we filled it with light. As Gardo bore his sweet and simple testimony of the happiness and peace the gospel has brought to his life, the spirit filled the room and I (for the first time ever all by myself in all Tagalog) invited Florence to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized... He looked at me and with tears in his eyes said "of course, this is what I've been waiting for." Ahhhhhh! It was so amazing!! I love love love being a missionary and helping people feel the peace and joy the gospel can bring to our lives. It is SO hard but SO worth it.

I love you all so much and hope you are all doing great! I send my love and prayers from the Philippines :) MAHAL KITA!

Sister Lowe   

Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 9 - Hermosa

Kumusta po kayo!

Guess what? Today I've been on my mission for 2 months! How crazy is that? Life is wonderful over here in the Philippines as always. Mom you are seriously superwoman with all the projects you are doing! Sewing, painting the deck (didn't we just do that last summer? haha), painting your room, soccer stuff, reorganizing the garage... you're making us all look bad haha! But I'm happy your busy and loving your summer :) Marissa, Devon, and Robert I am so excited for you all to go on trek! That is definitely one of my favorite memories. Just like EFY! Wow you guys are going to Kirtland Ohio?? Jealous. That's seriously going to be SO much fun. I remember when Amanda and I went and it was so amazing and such a spiritual uplifter. Dad you are awesome as usual and I love reading your email, they are so encouraging and definitely help me with my new life here as a missionary.

OK so who wants to hear about my week??
This is my area in Hermosa

This family invited us for FHE
OK so this week I had my first baptism!!! His name is Gardo and he is 16 years old. He was so SO excited to get baptized and after the service he got up and bore his testimony and thanked me and Sister Calaunan for bringing him the truth and helping him feel true happiness and true peace for the first time in his life. Then this week we had another one of our investigators want to be baptized!! His name is Rolo and he is 39 with a wife and 2 kids. He has a strong desire to be baptized, but has some issues he's still working on in his life. But I have faith and know that he will overcome them and when he does, be able to experience the true joy and peace the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to our lives.  We have 2 new families we are now teaching so I am very excited for this week to see how they progress and come closer to Christ :) So here in the Philippines I have been questioned for not using my hands when I eat rice, for eating too little, using toilet paper and washing my hands so much haha. I'm telling you this place is a 180 flip from everything I've been taught haha. So mom when I come home I hope it's OK if I eat everything with my hands, smell bad and don't use toilet paper- ha JK JK. So about the Tagalog... hahaha ya. It's good, obviously not fluent yet. Sometimes that's really hard because I want to understand and talk to these wonderful people so badly, but I know it will come with time with Heavenly Father's help. I read a quote from President Utchdorf the other day that really really helped me and I wanted to share it with all of you- "The Lord does not require us to work harder than we are able. Our Heavenly Father asks only that we do the best we can, that we work according to our full capacity- however great or small." Right now I feel pretty humbled to be here in a new country where literally EVERYTHING is different from what I'm used to, but I know that as I do my very best and put my complete trust in God, he will help me. Sometimes the Lord breaks us down to build us back up, but he always builds us better. I know we all face trials and challenges in our lives but if we endure them well, put our faith in Christ and do our best, he will bless us and we can feel a fullness of joy :) I love you all and am so grateful for you in my life. I miss you and hope you are all well and happy. Because there is just so much to be happy about! :D LOVE YOU ALL!

Mahal kita!
Sister Lowe

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Week 8

Kumusta po kayo!

Hey guys! How' my wonderful friends and family doing? I just wanted to start out by saying thank you to all of you who wrote me an email this week! We only have a short time to email so it's hard to write you individually but know that your love and encouraging words go a long way and I am so grateful for all of you :) OH! And special shout out to my bestie Quinn Rice who turned 20 on June 19th :) I didn't forget I just ran out of time last time I promise! Ok so Dad i'm glad you had fun seeing your brothers and sister and that Grandpa's funeral was beautiful. Mom it sounds like you are living the life of super woman as usual- keep up the good work and know prayers are coming your way all the way from the Philippines!. Marissa it sounds like you are keeping yourself busy this summer and having fun! I miss you and love you so much! Devon... what a stud. I'm so proud of you and excited for you to go to BYU in a couple months- You're going to LOVE it! I made some of my very best friends and memories there. And Robert I love you so much and am so proud of you for getting your eagle and for making your soccer team! Good luck on your talk in church this week!

So now for my my week! It's been a lot better and less overwhelming than last week which is great and I am constantly reminded everyday of how much God has blessed me in my life. This week Gardo (one of my investigators- he's 16 and so nice!) is preparing to get baptized this coming Saturday!! He was all smiles this week and is SO excited to start this new chapter in his life to have the gospel and all of the many blessings it brings. In fact, he told me that he wants to serve a mission so that he can tell everyone about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and find peace and happiness in their lives. I'm telling you,this kid is a stud and he just makes my day every time I teach him because he is so willing to learn and change to be the best person he can be. On top of that since sister Calaunan and I have been here in Hermosa, we've tried hard to get some of the young adults to come out and teach with us. One of the young woman and one of the young men who previously had no desire to serve missions now want to serve missions! They are going to start working on their mission papers next week! I just love the joy and happiness the gospel brings to peoples lives... it makes everything I do here worth it :)

So the Philippines is awesome. 
#1 the food- I eat rice EVERY DAY EVERY MEAL. No joke. Oh and Banana catsup? Totally the bomb. They put it on everything. All the snack food is different here but its awesome! Piattos and clover chips... mmmm. OH!! I ATE BALUT!!! It looks so nasty but really isn't that bad... a little crunchy when you get the bones but overall not bad haha. 

#2 Typhoon season! Ya so it rains... A LOT. haha. We were out the other day and it just out of nowhere started POURING. I was completely soaked and the water is up to my ankles sometimes, but it was awesome. And kept me cool haha. 

#3 The eternal poof- that is what I call this mass of curls and craziness of hair on my head hahaha. I used to think my hair was bad wavy before... nope. Its great though, people just have to like me for my personality haha.

#4 Tagalog... ya its coming haha? I still don't understand most of what people are saying here unless they slow down a lot but it's all good! I have faith that one day (probably the day I leave the philippines) I will get it! :) 

Well, my time is all up but I just want you all to know I have such a strong testimony of this gospel and know that through it we can find true happiness. I love you all and know that I pray for you all the time!

Sister Lowe