Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Email from Elder Ferrin - Philippine Infield Representative

Dear Sister Lowe:
Please see the comments of your daughter's Mission President below. She seems to be recovering in the manner you felt inspired to expect. President and Sister Dahle will continue to monitor her recovery and insure her well-being. I will follow-up with them to be sure you stay informed.
Thank you for your mighty faith and prayers. They are so powerful and a blessing to your loved ones. 
With sincere appreciation,

Elder Mark Ferrin
Philippines Area / Asia Area, In Field Representative
Missionary Department
Office from the Philippines  2 683 7265
Office from International +63 26837265
Cell from the Philippines     0919 992 6784
Cell from International +63 919 992 6784

Jessica Released from Hospital

Well, it turns out that Jessica is very persistent and finally convinced the doctor to let her out of the hospital but only under the constant care of the mission president and her wife.  She is staying at the mission president's home.

On Wednesday she was able to attend a leadership meeting.  She is getting stronger every day.  She will return to the doctor on Friday.  

Jessica with Sister Quinlin Hess

Mission Leader Training

Thursday I fasted for Jessica for her appointment on Friday.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jessica moved out of ICU to a Regular Room


Today we got great news that Jessica was being moved from her ICU room to a regular room in the hospital.

This was posted on Facebook

She is in good spirits, and very happy to be out of the ICU.  She has to have someone with her at all times to monitor her condition (human ICU).  She has undergone several test and we hope to have the results soon.

It's been such a special treat to hear her voice Sunday and Monday, I just wish it were under better circumstances.

Jessica says she feels weak.  She has low blood pressure and a low heart rate with an irregular rhythm.  That doesn't sound good but we are optimistic that everything will be fine, just like last time.

There are over 100 people and families that have included Jessica in their prayers!  We have put her name on the temple prayer roll.  She is in God's hands!  We pray for her safe and healthy recovery!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Week 63 - ICU

Jessica called us on Sunday morning around 6:30 am to tell us "Don't freak out, but I'm in the ICU at Baypointe Subic Bay Hospital."

She passed out again, but this time it is not due to someone else's medicine.  She ate dinner at her own house Saturday night, woke up Sunday morning and felt great until she went to do the dishes where she didn't feel well, then passed out.  She came to right away but the mission president and his wife still took her to the ER.

Once she got to the hospital they took her to ICU.  We didn't get information right away but later we found out she had a pulse between 40-50, her blood pressure was 80/60, and an irregular heart beat.  

They are doing lots of tests and should let us know very soon.

Oh, how we pray for her to get well.  She is trying to be positive!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 62 - Typhoon Glenda

How's it going over there? Life is great here in Olongapo! Our branch is super excited for this upcoming Saturday because we will break the record for the most baptisms in one day! 

Us missionaries here in Olongapo branch 1 have around 24 people being baptized on the 26th! That's 24 more souls who will enter into the gate, ready to begin their journey and progression to eternal life. Me and my companion Sister Pizon are baptizing 6 people, 1 family of 4 (Argie, Wilma, Shane, and Sandy), a 54 year old women named Belen who has been searching for the truth for years, and Arjay a 20 year old who has struggled with addiction to drugs, smoking, and alcohol his whole teen-life, but has decided he wants to change and find his life and found it in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His family was baptized last month, but he was still trying to quit smoking at the time so he wasn't fully prepared. But now he is completely drug, alcohol, and cigarette free and has a strong testimony of the church. He is so excited for his baptism, when we asked him yesterday how he was feeling as his baptism day is approaching he told us on a scale of 1-10 his excitement is an 11 haha. He's such a good kid, and I feel so blessed to have been a small part of his conversion and life change. 

This week was really eye opening as well because of the big storm! Typhoon Glenda was not kind to Olongapo.  We were without power for maybe 2 days (Don't ever complain about heat to me until you have no power no AC no fan and couldn't shower because there was no clean water and are laying on your mattress trying to sleep hahaha jk :) )  When we went out to work after the storm had died down there was so much destruction and so many trees in the road. A lot of houses had also been washed away in the flooding. We are lucky and live in a 2nd story apartment so we don't have flooding in our apartment. Our area right now is made up mostly of mountains so our big problem was that there had been a lot of landslides. 

One of our investigators home, which consists of a few sheets of plywood   and a metal sheet for the roof, was right in the direction of the storm and it should have been torn to pieces in reality. BUT they told me they had such a sweet experience in their family that I would quickly like to share. The Joven Family consists of Arnie and Sonya and their 7 small children under the age of 12. They have no income except for the small jobs they come across such as washing others clothes or cleaning others homes. They often eat only once a day and that consists of one big plate of rice and if their lucky maybe some canned tuna. The rain was raging and pounding hard on their metal roof, the wind howling outside, slowly but surely pushing over their small home. Sonya the mom began to panic and cry as she clung to her small children and 6 month old baby. At this moment of eminent destruction Sonya was just about to lose hope when her 10 year old daughter RayAnne jumped up and said "Momma! Huwag matakot! Mag-Familyprayer po tayo! Tutulungan tayo ng Diyos kung may pananampalataya lang po tayo sa kanya! ("Mom! Don't be scared! We should say a family prayer! Heavenly Father will help us if we just have faith!" ). In that moment they all knelt down together and offered up a simple prayer to Heavenly Father asking for protection and strength. After another hour of the terrifying storm, it became calm and they came out of their house to find all the other homes had been severely damaged and that a large tree had come within 5 inches of falling on their house. Again they knelt down in the mud and cried as they praised God and thanked him for their safety. Sonya the mom told me this story last Friday. What touched us was the great faith of her small daughter RayAnne who was not scared because she knew Heavenly Father was there for her. I feel like sometimes we all feel like Sonya, trapped in a corner with no hope, but I know Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ are ALWAYS there for us and we should never lose hope and never lose faith because they have a plan for us and love us. I love my mission and I am so grateful for experiences like this that strengthen my testimony and help me see the bigger picture. 

I love you guys so much and can't believe how fast the mission goes!  My 2 very best friends here on the mission, Sister Burt and Elder Penano, go home in 2 weeks and its so weird because they were fairly new too when I got here... ahhhh the time is too fast! I'm just going to enjoy my time here serving the Lord and continue in being obedient and hard-working. Love you guys and take care! 

Sister Lowe

Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 61

Hey mom!! sorry we have a zone activity today so we don’t have time to email but i promise next week it will be a good email!!!! promise :) oh! and i got the yellow dress and the green skirt!! I wore the yellow dress last sunday and got TONS of compliments haha. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! YOURE THE BEST!!!!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 60- Hello President Dahle

Hey guys! 
How are all of you? I'm still doing good here in Olongapo! We had another awesome week! Last Monday we had a wedding for our investigators Brenda and Reggie!!! It was so awesome and so good to see their family make this step in their life. 

Reggie and Brenda's wedding
 Tuesday through Thursday was normal work, finding new investigators, teaching preaching, all that good stuff :) We have this super sweet investigator named Arjay and every lesson I am just astounded by his growth and change. I have been with him from the first time we taught him so I can really see everything he's changed in his life. Before we started teaching he was always out drinking, smoking and doing drugs with his friends, dropped out of school and and no job. Now he has quit smoking, drinking, drugs, and is trying to find a job to help support his family. In his spare time he reads the Bible and the Book of Mormon and told us his family is stronger, closer and feels close to God. He will be baptized on July 26th!!!!!!!! Im SO pumped!!! He’s a stud, him and his whole family- (we baptized his family last June, he just wasn't ready until now.) 

Then on Friday we had MLC which is a leadership meeting with all the zone leaders, sister training leaders, and the new mission president! President Dahle is so nice! And when he speaks the spirit is just so strong and too be honest I felt like I was in general conference listening to an apostle, haha. He talked to us about becoming consecrated missionaries and consecrating our lives to the Lord. The meaning of consecration simply means making God's will your own will. Making his wants your wants, his goals your goals. When we conform our will to his we become obedient and become like Jesus Christ. And the good thing about consecrating your life to the Lord is automatically your life and Christ-like attributes improve, the plans that you made before that you thought were good get changed and perfected into better plans, because that is God's plan for you. Hope that makes sense haha. It really hit me hard and makes me want to keep working hard to be more like Christ. To improve myself and my weaknesses until they become strengths. 

Then on Saturday we had 2 more baptisms!!! Reggie and Mark Carlo!!! They are super awesome and have strong testimonies of the church. It was amazing to see 2 full grown men change everything in order to come closer to Christ. Reggie could barely speak when he bore his testimony because he was crying. He told everyone, back then before we taught him, everyday he came home from work, ate, got drunk with the guys, and went to bed. copy and paste that and you have his life for the past 10 years. Now, he comes home from work, spends time with his 3 little boys and has a great relationship with his wife. I love the gospel!! it changes people and has changed me. Well thats about it for this week but i'll keep you updated for next week! Love you guys! Mahal ko kayo Ingat palagi ha? :)

Rain, Rain and more rain

so adorable!

Jessica and Sister Pizon

Sister Lowe

Ps: the rain does not stop... ever haha